Patient information

Look and feel beautiful

Increase your self-confidence and raise your self-esteem     

Enjoy wearing your bathing suits and elegant low cut dresses

ISD makes all these dreams come true and much more ………….

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation or mammary correction surgery can bring great benefits and a high level of satisfaction. Patients choose this type of surgery to increase the size and proportion of their breast, replace an existing breast implant or improve the results of a previous breast augmentation surgery. Most women who have undergone this type of surgery report a high degree of satisfaction with the size and shape of their breast which enhances their body image and feel more beautiful, attractive and feminine.

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction surgery also offers physical and psychological well-being which results in improvements in the quality of the patient’s life. The recovery of breast cancer patients improves because the reconstruction reduces anxiety due to the natural appearance provided by the implants giving back their body image.


Our commitment does not end with surgery. For this reason, ISD extends support to surgeons and patients before, during and after surgery because the implanted patient long term well being is our ultimate goal. ISD offers a limited warranty for all its implants which demonstrates confidence in our products and safety to surgeons and patients regarding  the choice of our implants.

ISD Mammary Implants have a 10 years warranty for manufacturing defects according to the International Standard ISO 14607/2007/2011

ISD micro-texturized Mammary Implants have a 5 year warranty for contracture or encapsulation which applies to grades 3, 4 and 5 only.